Low Impact
For those just starting a workout regimen or recovering from injury, low-impact workouts are an effective approach. Our low-impact classes are structured to be just as fun as our regular classes, but easier on the body and joints and a terrific way to get in a heart-pumping workout while reducing the risk of injury.

Take time to focus on a total body stretch and find your balance, while also incorporating more low-impact core movements with this workout.

Slow-paced and prop-supported poses to relax you and relieve chronic stress, weakness, and fatigue.

Gentle stretches for flexibility and range of motion and balance exercises for body awareness, coordination, and strength.

Experience the vigor of the water, using it as its own resistance. A gentle yet fun low-impact workout to increase your strength, range of motion and cardio fitness.
This app for members: Personalized dashboards, exercise tracking, and diet assistant.